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Happy Solstice Mayan Energy Today 1 IQ'

Good Evening everyone. Wishing you all a very Happy Solstice!! May our light shine brightly and lead us into this new time with strength and hope. I would like to give thanks and much gratitude for the energy of Toj and what it brought to us this last 13 days. I found it interesting that leading up to the Solstice the energy was about making offerings, giving and repayment. It is suggested that we should do this daily, but it's especially nice to see and do the week leading up to the Solstice and Christmas Holidays. Today is the start of a new trecena ( a Mayan week). I also found it interesting how the Solstice landed on the start of a new week, especially this much needed energy. Today the vibration of the #1 brings us new beginnings, the new start, It represents the seed and birth. The Nawal IQ' is known as the breath of life, the air, communication, movement and divine inspiration. For these next 13 days we will be influenced and working with the winds of change. Now we can either embrace these changes or resist them, but one thing is for certain, things are changing. Resistance take a lot more energy, while going with the flow and embracing the winds is usually much more gentle. IQ' is also about communication and if we use our divine breath with kindness and compassion, we are more likely to inspire those around us. We are also able to manifest with our words, and our breath allows us and assists us in creating. During these 13 days we will have an opportunity to breathe new fresh air into our lives. This is a great time to be inspired and create movement and change.

Today is also a historic Winter Solstice and Planetary Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. This is the beginning of a new era for humanity and it is only by facing and acknowledging the darkness that true renewal and rebirth becomes possible. So I invite you to take a deep breath and be, say, and move in the way you wish to see the world. We are all creating this new world. Be positive. Stay positive.

Candles were lit, prayers, incense and sacred medicines were offered.

Love N Blessings

Nana Claudia Ix Kame Valdes

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