Grand Rising Everyone!! Yesterday a New cycle began, and Today is the day where the energy is here to help us see and understand our life path.
9 is the # of the Divine Feminine because of the number of lunations in the human gestation and in the Sacred Calendar. This is why 9 is seen as the number of life.
E' is the journey of discovery, the life path in both our physical and spiritual aspects. E' is the Seeker of experience to understand and know.
So basically what this means, today is a great day to ask the Universe, Creator, Nawal E' to help us on our journey. If we are feeling stuck or at a crossroads, if we are feeling alone and stranded, It's a day to ask that we be shown where we are suppose to be going. We can also take time today to set an intention for our life path.
Since E' is all about the journey, It is considered to be a good day to travel and explore. This energy might also have us feeling restless and we may be finding it hard to sit still, which also makes it a great day to get out, and about. Travel brings new explorations and experiences, which help us learn and understand our own minds, and hearts and those of others, and our world.
Its a day to go out and find or remember our path. A day to ask for our path to be cleared of obstructions and for guidance and protection as we walk along our path.
This is the day to give thanks and appreciation for the women in our life and the gifts they bring. Women may wish to give thanks for their gifts.
It is the day to see where life takes us.
Blessed day and Safe travels
Claudia Ix Balam Kame