Good day everyone. Well today is 1Noj this is the start and theme of the next 13 days and the energy of today in the Mayan Calendar. Today in the Solar Calendar it's also the start of a new month. It is also the first day known as the Season of Blankets.
We are creating a new world and for this we need new solutions. How do we get out of these old patterns? While recreation brings great opportunity for reinvention and resetting. It can also bring challenges to our accepted world view.
Now Noj is the Nawal of the brain. The problem solver, Nawal of thought, intelligence and intellect . Noj gives a us a different way to understand situations , and through this comes inovation.
The Maya ask for wisdom, for talent and the capacity to think positive, innovative or productive thoughts or ideas. Its a good day to ask for clarity and intelligence in all our endevours, to adress all of our challenges and resolve our issues.
This trecena is ruled by the thoughful, measured, introspective energy of this daysign Noj. We will need a significant amount of personal and mental freedom during these next 13 days. So make room for you and your soul, for your heart and mind. This Is also Important because Noj can be serious, it is left brained, it lends acute sensitivities and powers of perception, so we need to keep in balance. Whats in the past belongs there; what is in the present is in our hand. But it is only through our decisions in the present time that our future is defined.
I find it interesting that the Mam or our time carrier for the last 240 days has been under the influence of 8Noj.
Think about it. Has this year called to us to use all of our knowledge and information to solve problems?
Candle lit at 9:00 ofering of prayers, incense and my best thoughts.
Blessed day, Blessed thoughts
Nana Claudia Ix Balam Kame